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The Earl Campbell Story - Earl's Lovelife at the Front

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July 29, 1919July 29, 1919, Letter written from Flore, Earl’s girlfriend from Fontaine – Valmont,

Translation of letter written from Earl’s girlfriend
July 29, 1919
Melle Flore Mulquis Steno-Typist
150 Reu St. Lambert 150
Fontaine Valmont, Belgique

My Dear Yek,

I am writing you to remind you to not forget to give us your news as soon as you arrive in Canada, tell me if you received the letter I sent you just after you left for England.

Father is no longer working at the sugar factory, he has returned now for 8 days since July 22nd.

To send time on your next letter tell me what your duties are and explain what it is like in Canada, here it is not nice anymore like when I wrote you in England.

The merchandise/goods are still so expensive but hopefully with the war ending, the prices will start to go down little by little.

The factories have called back their workers and everything is starting to work.

I hope you are in good health and also that your dear family and your parents and everyone else is well. I am continuing to get better.

And what are you doing? Do not forget to send me your news, as soon as possible because I am getting very impatient.

I will do my photography this week and then I will send them to your right away.

I will finish my letter for right now. Father and Mother are sending you their best wishes. And for my dear Yek I send you lots of kisses.

Your forever. Your fiancée Flore.

I am very happy that the war is finished for certain. Yek will return June 1920. “After for good!”, hey

August 18, 1919, Letter written from Flore to Earl

Translation of letter from Flore to Earl
August 18, 1919
Fontaine Valmont, Belgium

My Dear Yek,

Finally, with much impatience, I have received your news that explains your good trip. I was happy to read about it as were mother and father.

I am now cured and healthy and my parents are healthy too. I hope you are also in good health and the same for your family.

I want to do some photography and send some to you but I want to wait until reply to me. Don’t forget to tell me how I look now that I changed my hair because I am now a young woman.

I want to thank you for the beautiful flowers that you sent me. They are just like the ones that we have in our garden.

You asked me to marry you, yes I want to. Very good for Yek, eh?

Tell me in your letter what your mother & father think about having a fiancée in Belgium.

Now I will continue to wait for you, until you come to visit in June 1920 and perhaps earlier if it is possible. Time seems to pass very slowly, and it seems like a long time since I’ve seen you. Don’t forget to send me your pictures.

Remember to tell your father & mother.

Write me back soon. Mother and Father send you their best wishes.

Lots of love for you, your love forever.
For my dear fiancée. Yek, my xx and my dear.

Earl returned to Canada unmarried. In 1925 he married Hazel Gambrill and lived on W ½ of Lot 8, Con. 4, King Township. Earl and Hazel had five daughters – Clara, Gloria, Gerry, Earlene and Shirley.

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